Peaches and Pancakes Fundraiser A Sweet Success

By Jesus Ochoa, Marysville FFA ReporterMembers with pancakes

Earlier this month, the Marysville FFA Chapter held their annual “Peaches and Pancakes” breakfast fundraiser to raise money for students attending the National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis. Numerous FFA members, advisors and supporters spent their Saturday morning serving breakfast to the local community. According to chapter advisor, Kayla Coughlin, the event not only raises funds but also increases awareness about FFA. “The Marysville FFA Chapter had a lot of fun serving members of their community, and building new relationships within the community made the experience even sweeter,” Coughlin reported. 

The Peaches and Pancakes fundraiser was held in the historic town of Marysville during the local Peach Festival. This well-attended annual festival draws members of the community to celebrate the county's most well known commodity—peaches. The fundraiser couldn’t have happened without the support of Marysville’s Silver Dollar Saloon. The fundraiser was set up near the restaurant and numerous employees, including the owner, donated to the chapter’s efforts.

Members of the Marysville FFA Chapter cooked and served up peaches and pancakes to a large number of community members—some who saw our advertisements and came specifically for the breakfast and many who just happened to be passing by. According to Marysville FFA Chapter President, Anthony Spallino, the annual breakfast fundraiser is typically the largest of the year and FFA members depend on a successful fundraiser to attend the National FFA Convention. “I’m happy to say that the Peaches and Pancakes fundraiser was a huge success and will help our chapter be represented at the convention in October. It was an incredibly fun fundraiser and we enjoyed getting out in the community to support the individuals going to National Convention,” Spallino explained.

To find out more information about the fundraiser, check out @marysvillecaffa on Instagram.



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Agricultural education strives to maintain its status on the cutting-edge of rigorous classroom instruction, relevant skill acquisition and premier leadership development. Check out the expansive and evolving catalog of resources to generate new ideas, enhance curriculum delivery skills or identify new ways to engage in FFA and SAE activities.


Beginning in the early 20th century in California, agricultural education has a long tradition of preparing students for rigorous, satisfying careers both within and outside of the industry. As a school-based learning program, agricultural education operates as a unit within the California Department of Education and is written into the state’s legislative education code.


Rich in history with an eye toward the future, California’s school-based agricultural education program seeks to prepare all students for satisfying careers in and outside of the agriculture industry. The multi-faceted approach to growing the whole person includes a focus on character and interpersonal skill development, technical acumen and critical thinking capabilities.



From personal growth to career skill enhancement, the focus of California’s agricultural education events is always on the experiential development of the student. With activities ranging from local to national, the statewide organization offers a number of premier events each year that are suited to best meet the interests of an ever-diversifying student population.


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